Selling your house is a difficult and stressful business. It is also one that requires infinite patience and stamina. Letting go of a property you have developed can be hard, and resisting the urge to put a Home Reversion clause into the contract is even harder. However, there are ways and means of simplifying your move. Most of these have to do with effective packing and organisational strategies.
To start with, you should ensure that the business of packing up your possessions begins well in advance. You don’t want to be sitting surrounded by packing boxes in the middle of the night before you have to leave. Pack your possessions sensibly. Ensure that there is a box filled with the things you will need on arrival at your new property, and make sure this case is sent off early and will be waiting for you when you arrive.
Packing up your home before moving to a new property should be a systematic undertaking. Take care to work through the rooms in your home, and to clearly label all the boxes so that you will be able to find what you need on arrival.
As you pack consider whether you really need the items you want to take with you. Moving house is stressful enough without moving more than you need to. If there are any antiques you wish to keep for your family consider letting your family take them now. Any items you are considering selling can also be gone through by your family. Give them first pick to decide what items they would like to keep in remembrance of you. The less you have to get rid of, sell, or move the better.
Another way to reduce items you will pack is to think back on when you last used that item, looked at it, or remembered you had it. Anything that you haven’t seen, used, or thought about in the last six months can be sold or given to your family.
There are going to be items you want to be surrounded by in your new location. It is not expected that you will get rid of every knick knack, but downsizing to a new property or moving into an assisted living facility or long term care location often requires far fewer items.
Those who move, no matter where they move, find they enjoy living simpler because they know they have already taken care of the major issues that tend to crop up when moving to an assisted living facility or at death.
If you require a home reversion scheme because you are not ready to sell your home and move out, packing up your property can still be a wise move. By packing up early you have fewer things to worry about when you eventually move on.
With a reversion plan you do not need to move out of your house right away. Instead, you sell a portion or your entire home to a reversion provider. The provider puts a clause into the sale ensuring you can remain in the property until you decide to move out or death occurs. Anyone living in the home when the sale document is drawn up can remain in the property as long as you specify that member of the family.
In some cases you can add another person to the clause later on. This augmentation is based on the home reversion provider and their specific policies. As long as the clause includes every person in the house, they can remain even after one person passes on or moves to a longer term care facility.
For example, if a couple decides to use a home reversion scheme and one person needs full time care, the remaining part of the couple can stay in the home. The house will only be sold in full and any inheritance dispersed once the final person named in the reversion clause has died or moved to a new location.
Since you will have taken care of your property and its contents early on, things will be much easier at the final sale of the entire home. Your remaining family will have fewer items to move out, sell, or decide to keep. If there are items your family does not wish to take right now, you can still pack them up in preparation for moving from your property.
Keep all boxes labelled appropriately to ensure your family members can take the boxes once you are moving on from your home. Perhaps with the sale of some of your contents you can prevent the home reversion clause from being added at the time of sale.