Getting Equity Release on a Second Home or Rental Property

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Getting Equity Release on a Second Home or Rental Property

If one would like to raise funds for a project or to enhance their retirement benefits, they can choose to get equity release on a second home. This is not as common as equity release schemes on a main residence, nevertheless a couple of lenders will assist in this area. Companies such as LV= have […]

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Using Equity Release to Fund Retirement after the Death of the Pension

In the current economic climate, a great number of people are struggling to survive on their pension income. As the methods of quantitative easing have slowly eroded the value of savings, compromised traditional pensions and brought the rates of annuity down, many pensioners are struggling to maintain their lifestyle with even basic necessities. For many […]

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The Less Flexible and Common Form of Equity Release

Retirement can be difficult for many based on the fact that many retirees do not have a fixed source of income except for their pension. Their pension amount may not be sufficient or it may be just enough to cover their daily living expenses. Many retirees are looking for an additional source of income to […]

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A Close Review of Equity Release Schemes

For people who have retired or have left their jobs because age is catching up with them, maintaining their lifestyle becomes a problem. With no regular income to cover the monthly expenses including debt repayment, managing the finances becomes extremely difficult. The amount in a bank account can vanish pretty quickly in such cases. Equity […]

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Equity Release in the UK Property Market

Equity release allows homeowners to benefit from the equity tied up in their property. The money that is raised can be withdrawn to suit the homeowner’s requirements and can either be taken as a lump sum or it can be made in flexible withdrawals. It allows older homeowners to tap into the value of their […]

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Can You Still Take Out Equity Release Directly with Aviva (Formerly Norwich Union)?

After the end of June 2013, it will no longer be possible to obtain an equity release scheme from the Aviva direct team. The company has been providing equity release schemes direct for over a decade, but have made the decision that offering their services direct through their sales team no longer represents the best […]

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Who Benefits When Aviva (Ex NU) Closes its Tied Equity Release Arm?

There are a number of parties which may benefit from the decision made by Aviva to remove their service of offering direct. These include the independent equity release brokers and advisers such as EquityRelease NU. However, the primary beneficiary should be the customers. Why would it be of benefit to customers? There are a number […]

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Why are some Equity Release Companies now using flood checks in their lending criteria?

Equity release schemes are especially designed for the over fifty fives’ age group and represent a good way to raise finance for retirement, larger purchases or inheritance planning. However, they can be a little complex to understand and many people remain confused as to why a risk of flooding can have an impact on the […]

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Why are Equity Release Interest Rates not as Low as Mainstream Mortgage Interest Rates?

Many people considering an equity release scheme often compare equity release interest rates with mainstream mortgage interest rates and are disappointed by the difference. A great number of people are dissuaded from equity release because of this reason. However, by understanding the differences between the product ranges, you will gain an understanding of why the […]

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Will the real Equity Realease stand up!

If you are facing the prospect of a retirement which is underfunded, you may have considered equity release. However, in order to determine how best to release equity, you will need a basic understanding of the types of schemes and plans which are available. The Types of Equity Release Available In order to determine how […]

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